Italy was the first epicenter of the COVID-19 outbreak in Europe as well in the Mediterranean area. Shipping Industry is one of those that have been affected by COVID-19. Despite negative conditions, shipping lines are continuing their operation.
It is common to hear that complicated and prolonged bureaucracy in ports challenges the Shipping industry. It leads to time-loss, efficiency errors, congestion, etc. So how should we optimize the workflow of ports?
No doubt it is true that Greece is considered the most important shipping hub in Mediterranean and in the world. It is challenging and interesting to what extent COVID-19 impacted the shipping industry and how industry players will respond to the current situation.
The shipping industry has already started innovating in order to become more environmentally friendly and green. New technological challenges, innovations, and regulations are exposed one after another to cope with environmental deals. So, what the future of shipping will look like in 2025?
Smart Ports have fundamental importance in Future Port initiatives. The concept of smart port has appeared as a phenomenon that uses digital technologies such as Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial intelligence, big data, blockchain solutions and other smart technology based methods to develop performance, economic competitiveness and sustainability in the industry.
Ballasting operation is crucial for safe and efficient shipping operations. However it is no doubt true that the ballast water had significant damages to the marine environment within alien species and control measures become a must. At any given time, 35 000 ships are en route on the water of the Earth and more than 3000 species are being transported in their ballast tanks.
International initiatives towards reducing SOx, NOx and particle emissions are driving the research into alternative marine fuels. The decision of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) to limit the sulphur content of ship fuel from 1 January 2020 to 0.5 per cent worldwide has the potential to become a game-changer. It creates an atmosphere of uncertainty across the industry regarding the direction to take in terms of future energy sources.
The shipping industry focuses on decarbonization or green matters more while overlooking the cybersecurity issues. The entrance of the digitalization resulted in an astonishing effect on the shipping industry, however, it brought some concerns about Cybersecurity. Recent studies have found the technological systems used on tankers, containerships, and cruise ships easily penetrable.
The shipping industry focuses on decarbonization or green matters more while overlooking the cybersecurity.The entrance of the digitalization resulted in an astonishing effect on the shipping industry, however, it brought some concerns about Cybersecurity.Recent studies have found the technological systems used on tankers, containerships, and cruise ships easily penetrable. 98% of all IoT device traffic is unencrypted, exposing personal and confidential data on the network. We decided to touch the cybersecurity importance in order to raise awareness.
In order to ensure operational efficiency in the shipping industry, there must be reliable communications systems that support 5G networks. In this webinar, we will discuss the benefits of implementing a 5G telecommunication system to the shipping industry.
Statistically, human error causes 75% of shipboard fires and explosions as well as 90% collisions at sea which leads to environmental and economical losses. So to avoid human errors and safely operate ships the owner company should ensure crew management resilience and sustainability. We decided to arrange an event which can be informative for both seafarers and owners (employers) within sharing experiences as well as solutions for challenges.
Without doubt the collaboration between modernity and maritime will be a source of the advancement of the world economy. In order to comply with the regulations and requirements of the industry the performance optimization is requisite. Environmental factors and the demands of the globalized world have been a key factor in shaping the future of the maritime.
Without doubt the collaboration between modernity and maritime will be a source of the advancement of the world economy. In order to comply with the regulations and requirements of the industry the performance optimization is requisite. Environmental factors and the demands of the globalized world have been a key factor in shaping the future of the maritime.
So many years there have been critical and innovative work in the ship propulsion optimization in order to guarantee safe trade logistics and passenger travels. Trends in the shipping industry related to environment, digitalization and emission regulations have evolved the perception of efficient ship propulsion systems. At lower costs more efficiency within low emissions and fuel consumption is the main objective for ship operators.